Residents can request their property be visited weekly by Posse officers while on vacation or during the summer months for seasonal residents. They will check doors and windows to ensure they are locked, including the garage door to ensure there are no visible signs of damage or illegal entry. In addition, they will look for any damage caused by rodents, leaking water etc. which would be reported to the owner’s key holder.
Officers also remove any solicitations or community newspapers at the door or in the driveway that would be a sign of an empty home.
Please don’t arrange for packages or deliveries to be made during your absence, if this happens the key holder will be called to pick up the item(s).
Please complete the Vacation Watch form by click here. It’s very important that you type/sign in the signature area of this form to give the Westbrook Posse permission to check your property/dwelling. Also please remember to include the name and contact(s) of your key holder in case there is an issue that needs immediate attention